Protect Your Audience with Patented Malware Detection
At any given time there are thousands of malicious threats impacting the advertising ecosystem. For Ops teams, tracking down these bad ads is time consuming, frustrating and often impossible.
Boltive’s patented technology identifies and stops these bad ads before they reach your audience. Our solution deploys a combination of dynamic analysis, machine learning, and a team of security engineers to detect and anticipate new threats. Unwanted impressions are re-monetized with safe creatives, while providing insights into where bad ads are coming from. Boltive protects all units, on all devices, across the web and in-app.

Recover Revenue with Category, Content, and Blank Ad Protection
Ad Quality goes beyond Malware. Publishers’ and their audiences want to experience ads that meet the standards of their sites. That means ads that meet category standards, don’t slow down the page, or cause blank ad slots to appear. With Boltive’s suite of tools, publishers can run pre-flight checks or prevent these ad violations altogether to remonetize those impressions with brand safe creatives.

Correct Privacy Issues Before They Become Liabilities or Lost Revenue.
Boltive uniquely identifies and remediates data sharing and retargeting risk, delivering you with the key insights you need to keep your consumer data and your reputation safe. Verify that your consent management system is handling opt-out and opt-in requests properly and ensures those signals are being honored by your adtech partners. You can also recover lost CMPs by identifying lost opt-in signals.
Boltive is your secret shopper designed to surface privacy violations. We simulate your consumer’s journeys on the web to audit data sharing at critical checkpoints.